DD Audio 9918Z hits a staggering 180.5 dB!

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Alan Dante Sets dB Drag Racing World Record With 180.5dB

Alan Dante from Lorton, Virginia, set a new world record on August 31st 2007 in a dB Drag competition with a 180.5dB peak using a single DD Audio Subwoofer. Dante’s concrete filled Volvo contained a DD Audio 9918Z 18″ subwoofer receiving 26,000 watts of power from four Stetsom 7KD amplifiers.

Your most likely sitting there wondering how loud is 180 dB is? Well to put into some sort of perspective it is possible to lose ones hearing around the 120 dB mark, a chainsaw is around 110 dB and a jet engine at a distance of 30m is 150dB… So imagine standing inside a thunder cloud as it goes off!

To power all that action Dante used 15 Powermaster 16 volt batteries and a Flux Capacitor. We can’t even begin to imagine how loud 180.5dB is…but it’s probably like having a bomb blow up right next to you. Dante has been a dB Drag Racing Finalist in 5 of the last 6 years with two World Records to date…

Not only does this DD-Z18 produce very high SPL numbers but it also sounds great doing so! We have a DD-Z18 at our Petone branch and it has surprised many a few people that think it is just another ordinary sub-woofer.

I can tell you now, this is one amazing sub-woofer!

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